A Carlotta está a fazer o seu programa de voluntariado na AEVA no âmbito do programa europeu Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade.
No início do projeto de voluntariado as expetativas da Carlotta eram as seguintes:
“During these eight months I would like to be able to establish a relationship with the guys from the EPA in order to create a relationship of trust from which I can start sending educational messages. Of necessary importance is therefore the learning of the portuguese language.
From a personal point of view, I hope instead to get to know the local culture and to fully experience the daily life of a country different from mine.”
Após 7 meses este é o testemunho da Carlotta sobre a sua experiência:
“My volunteering experience, so far, has had extremely positive aspects (…). I have had the opportunity to meet fantastic people who will remain in my life hopefully forever. I have fallen in love with Portugal and its culture (…).
In Pais em Rede, I feel I have learned a lot, being all the time supported by guide-figures in well-defined and structured activities. Here I have been able to meet fantastic young people and adults and make friends with them and get to know their world and what it means to face daily challenges that we often tend to take for granted. Here I am also managing to develop a personal project of Italian cuisine.
In conclusion, it is definitely the best experience of my life and I would like to be able to continue living in Portugal and learning Portuguese better if I can find opportunities to stay here!”